Hearts of Fire is a collection of devotionals that we created from our hearts because of the fire of our love for Bahá’u’lláh, and a heartfelt desire to glorify His Name in prayer and service. We enjoyed creating these presentations so much, we wanted to share them with others to help in their devotional gatherings and activities. We also have some Feasts and Holy Days presentations, and will constantly expand our content. We recently added a section containing Feast enhancement activities and children's class materials that have been used successfully over many years! We hope this will be a resource for you and your community in your devotional gatherings, Holy Days, Feasts and children's classes.
With heartfelt love… the creators of Hearts of Fire
To run your presentation:
Open Google slides in the new tab by clicking on the picture of the presentation you wish to present.
click on [ ] under the slide.
Use your keyboard to navigate between slides. (arrows up, down, left, right)
All the videos and audios should play automatically.
You can run all the presentations from this website or you can download the PowerPoints and modify them for your use.