Blessed is the Spot Activity
Blessed is the Spot Activity-print all and cut out
Blessed is the…
Lay the sets of words on a table to begin and end the prayer. Hide pictures of SPOT, HOUSE, PLACE, etc. (below) all over the room for kids to find. Ask for three groups: singers (mostly adults), movers and shakers, and hunters and gatherers (mostly kids on this one) and singers sing fast version of Blessed is the Spot while shakers shake rhythm instruments and hunters and gathers look for the pics. Singers do not stop singing a fast version of Blessed is the Spot until all pics are placed. This activity is very fun and interactive and often the children all want to be hunters and gatherers so adults can sing the prayer. They also want to do it again and again. Instructions say that if the order is wrong all may move pictures around to fix the order. When all agree, the activity is done, and you end the song. By this time, everyone has memorized the prayer!