Top 10 Reasons Why it is Time for the Badi Calendar
Number 10: Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? Now we won't know what day it is and will have a great excuse.
Number 9: Instead of one day to celebrate the birth of the Manifestation, like Christmas celebrates Christ's Birthday, we will have 2 Holy Days back to back for the Bab's birthday and Baha'u'llah's birthday. So twice the joy and spirit.
Number 8: We no longer have to remember the "30 days hath September..." rule of thumb. All months are 19 days long and there are 19 months!
Number 7: It's the 21st century and it is time to know the difference between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar, say what?
Number 6: Since the day begins at sunset, everyone will become late risers and everyone can sleep in till half the day's over!
Number 5: Wedding Invitation reads: You are invited to celebrate our wedding on Beauty, 2 Beauty -translated to Sunday, April 29th which will be in the years: 2018, 2029, 2035, 2040, and 2046! Totally Cool so plan ahead young-uns!
Number 4: Sunday has been the first day of the week for 2015 years! Sunday needs a day of rest, so now it is Saturday's turn to be the first day of the week.
Number 3: TGIF will become TGII, Thank God it's independence!
Number 2: Nobody knows the meaning of the words January, February, April, September, etc. Badi Calendar months have meaning, that is Splendor, Glory, Beauty, Light, Mercy, Words, etc.
And the Number one reason why it is time for the Badi Calendar: Nobody knows how to properly say February anymore, they say Feb-uary and that's just annoying and it's time for a change!